can you sign this peace treating?
There's nothing special here for you.
Part of the mass
Certain School
Joined on 4/3/05
can you sign this peace treating?
I can tell you don't like the fighting. I'll leave you alone just stop acting like such a smuck
tell the truth i love fighting don't want to argue with you and snaws anymore lost the fun
No, you lost the fight
dude are you stupid this is flash art site not a spam site dude if they whant that go to youtube or myspace fore this shit not newgrounds it a flash site ! not a places like myspace or youtube
Someone's butt hurt because they made an account on YouTube which was younger than 18 and can't watch t3h sexi pr0nz.
This is Newgrounds, exactly what you said, this website has a LEGACY, but people like you ruin it more and more everyday. Since you don't have any talent and will obviously suck at flash, why don't YOU go to YouTube and start making some AMVs? This website is for flash, not art, FLASH, and you sir... I mean kid, have NOT contributed any flash to this website. AND YOUR WHISTLE STATUS IS BROKEN! LOLOLOLOL
loser i might not have any flash abut i am doing some thing about spam so FUCKING WHAT MY WISTLE YOU TAKE YOUR FUCKING STATS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOU ASS BITCH
i am here to stop idiot from spamming ng so get over you self you little wine bitch and fuck off ether help rid spam or just be another pussy gutless coward
I LOL'D! Hahahahaha don't you get it my prepubescent child? You can't do anything about spam because the NG admit doesn't take you seriously! What you call "spam" isn't really spam, it's a flash submission, if it passed the portal, it didn't break the rules, and people had to like it, so stop trying, YOU'RE NOT FUCKING DOING ANYTHING ABOUT SPAM YOU DUMB SHIT, YOU'RE MAKING IT FUCKING WORSE DO YOU NOT COMPREHEND THAT!? GET THAT THROUGH ALL THE NARUTARD HENTAI AND SONIC FANSHIT IN YOUR HEAD, YOU WON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE SPAM, THIS IS THE INTERNET AND IT'S FULL OF IT, YOU IDIOTS WANNA KEEP MAKING FOOLS OUT OF YOURSELVES, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, WE'LL JUST SEE WHO REALLY GETS BANNED IN THE END FROM ABUSIVE REVIEWS... :3
hey at least i am not the one doing nothing about it
not a stat whore like you
see i am trying to do some thing not be a fat ass pussy fucker who think he smart to make fun of others so why don't you go back to snaws and his friend and suck there dick that all you going to be good at lmao
Your insults are moot, they make no sense, you don't know me in real life. Infact, you know nothing about me, the only way you can insult me is by saying a bunch of shit that you say out the back of your mind at a desperate time. Yes, you are the one doing nothing about it, no matter how hard you try, you won't win, there have been MANY others before you. LOL U SUK DOOMSLASH PENIS AND HAVE 69 WITH HIS MOM XDDDDD. See how annoying that is? Exactly, you don't, you're annoying yourself. Well that's the last you'll hear from me piss ant, enjoy your ban.
topdog let it go he won't stop
yeah so fucking what i am trying some thing a lot of pepole hate there ass but lazy assholes like you do shit about it so put up or shut up
You keep saying the same shit over and over. Your complaining is like music to my ears. Country music, and you know I don't like country music because I like rockin' ass jam shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Anyways no, you can't do anything, the NewGrounds admins don't take you seriously. Get out of Newgrounds. This place was made for these so called "spammers", this isn't Gaia, if you want Gaia just click on one of those ads Tom put up there for ya because he's sick and tired of you fags ruining newgrounds.