though i see you worked on this and not ATWI80D i liked it, are you gonna give up ATWI80D? i really liked that series, this one's good but... you know...
though i see you worked on this and not ATWI80D i liked it, are you gonna give up ATWI80D? i really liked that series, this one's good but... you know...
ATWI80D is continuing as normal.
This is just a one-off, spinoff.
wow, the guy before me said what i was
you ripped off proffesor chaos.
"Will Proffesor Chao's plan work?
Who will be the boys new best friend?
And who of the characters will appear dead in the next episode?
These questions and more will be answered... right now
Miss Chokesondick"
other than that, yeah it was pretty cool
i didn't know my mom won't let me watch south park remember i'm only 11.
haha that was great!
but you might wanna paste this actionscript in the first frame so people don't right click play, it sucks when people do that, they don't see it completely and the vote panel appears:
MENU = new ContextMenu();MENU.hideBuiltInItems();_root.menu = MENU;
Thanks, i'll do that :)
hahah! this is one of the few cartoons in newgrounds that make me rofl
that's good to hear!
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Part of the mass
Certain School
Joined on 4/3/05